Photographing architecture and semi-trucks from Houston to Dallas, Texas

January 17, 2021  •  2 Comments

It started at 4:30 a.m. as the dark roast coffee was brewing. I gave thanks for my day, for getting to photograph for Rush Truck Centers and prepared my mind for the opportunity the sun would bring in 2 hours and 10 minutes — sunrise began at 6:40 a.m.  With the drone, portable strobes and back up camera batteries changed, I packed it all up and headed to the site with the schedule fresh in my mind. The watering of the concrete began an hour ahead of shoot time. Photo-hydrology is a crude art that is something between creating a painting and getting solder to flow on an electrical wire. The water has to sink in and absorb on the concrete canvas until it saturates and holds a glossy sheen and if you are working with old decomposing asphalt or pea gravel pool decking, bring a fire truck to spray with. As you go, you watch for the dry spots and work the surface repeatedly with the hose until it all holds a constant saturation for as long as possible and then when the light is right, take the shots.

These shoots went particularly well as the staff on-site was prepared and eager. Troy Ottmer at the Houston Medium-Duty Rush Truck Centers even rented a water trailer for the parking lot. I also came prepared with an 8-pack of Black Magic Tire Shine, the best I've found.  The diesel technicians seemed to have fun with the pics and liked seeing the final shots in camera. But most importantly, my contacts who hired me back at corporate liked them as well. 



Telkom University(non-registered)
What lessons did you learn from this shoot that could be applied to future projects?
Jackie Bollinger(non-registered)
Stellar photos!
No comments posted.

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